Friday, May 6, 2011

06 mei

feel really2 useless..
can't get through in this field!
this is not what i can d0
i can't..
i jump int0 the wr0ng field
Allah,help me g0 thr0ugh all this!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011


What??t0ilet??what ever laa..
asal dpt amek gmb0r..
seni 0wg ckap!

sy bhagia ngn hidup sy..
ingtkn sy untuk sntiase trsenyum
teman2 ader d cc
xmmpu utk sy mnangis
mreka mwrnai hidup sy

tgk..mkn eskrem p0n share2..
*2 pn gduh2 sape nk g amek
eskrem sdap sgt k0t..sape xnk!!

tgk...bhgia x kami??
kami sling mncintai,,mnyayangi,,mmerlukn

akhirnyer dpt gk..
wlaupn brebut,
sweet x kt0rg?
wlaupn da brsweat nk brebut!

mkin mningkat usia,,sy smkin sdar..
untuk bhgia,kita x prlukn cinta
cnta pula x smstinya pd lelaki
cnta xsmstinya mmberikn kite kbhagiaan
kdang2 kite hrus bhgia mlihat 0rg y kite cnta bhgia
wlaupn kite sngsara

nk bhgia,,kte xprlukan cinta
yg pnting..TEMAN!
yg pnting..ILAHI!!

awex jb law0
farhana @ nme mnjenyew ana
xthu ske brkepit ngn dy
smpai ade y kte,,xder dy,,xder laa sy..
emmmm..what the heck!! jelous r tuhh
ana: msti tuttttt mrah kt sy sbb awk asyk ngn sy jew
       dy nk dkat ngn awk pn xleh
yunk~~please laa jgn brsgka begitu
sy xsuke!! hehehehehe
             describe her??
4 me..she is t0tally different fr0m 0thers
smetimes I wish c0uld be her
we describe her as ______
sy ske bile dy mnjerit aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
haha..c0z sy slalu wt dy stress!!
bile dy mnjerit,,tgn dy kt kepala
whahahaha..lawak laa
smetimes dy slalu ckap smething y wt sy fkir sal kslahn sy
dy slalu wt sy sdar ngn d0sa sy
 yg lah 0rg y slalu MNYUSAHKN dy!
hehe..I'm s0rry,,I'm s0rry,,I'm s0rry,,I'm s0rry,,I'm s0rry,,I'm s0rry
I'm s0rry,,I'm s0rry,,I'm s0rry,,I'm s0rry,,I'm s0rry,,I'm s0rry,,I'm s0rry,,
*gaya anwarhadi
nk n0 leh x?
xleh n0 f0n, n0 ic ke plat kete
p0n jdi laa~
emm..r0s amiliana 0r ami@r0s
nie s0rang ag minah y sy suke brkepit
sy ske luah prasaan kt dy
she is a go0d adviser..
*bdk surau k0t!!
antara kami,,dy laa y slalu wt kptusan
bile smpai part y kne ptuskn smething,,
kami trdiam,,
she can be a leader

kami berAKSI dimana sja kami brada

inilah keje kami dikala stress!
yg pnting dpt ceriakn aty msing2

antara kami,,dy laa y slalu kuar idea wt keje ngar0t
hehe..senanyer kami nie same jew
bile da gabung idea wt keje ngar0t,,
fening r sume 0wg
hahahaaa..0rg kate kami nie pelik c0z salu wt bnde xpe'd0h!!
wat ever laa..

yg pnting pape p0n y kami wt,,kami enj0y
AGAIN AS I SAID,,i w0uld nver be sad with them

p/s : wlaupn kami nie salu wt keje giler2,,lm aty kami ader tman
heheheee...kami mmg giler..tpi kgilaan kami ader btas
kami sling mghiburkn
kami bhgia ngn ape y kami wt!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

cintaku pada yang satu

apabila aku jatuh cinta lagi~~
aku lupa pada semua kesusahan yang pernah aku alami
aku lupa tekad yang pernah aku sematkan
aku lupa pada niat utamaku
aku lalai lagi~~

ya..aku cinta padanya
sayang padanya
rindu padanya 
sehingga aku lupa lagi
itu adalah d0saku
y kian bertambah
aku leka..aku lupa padaMu 

jangan biarkan aku jatuh cinta
aku hanya mahu satu cinta dalam hidupku
perasaan cinta sememangnya ada
tetapi biarlah ia dibuang jauh disudut hati
ada j0d0h tak ke mana

tiada apa pun dengan cinta
niat kita paling penting
kita hidup untuk mati
bahagia didunia tak semestinya berkekalan di akhirat
sayangku seharusnya padaMu
bukan padanya y 'ntah pape ntah'
bila ditanya tentang 0bjektif cinta.
he kn0ws n0thing

sememangnya dia dihatiku
tapi ALLAH adalah segalanya padaku!!
cintaku pada yang satu~~

Friday, February 25, 2011

aku sayang ALLAH

ya ALLAH..
aku dapat merasakan diriku ini sangat berd0sa padaMu 
hidup aku bergelumang dengan d0sa
bantulah aku..
aku sangat takut untuk berdepan denganMu
aku segan!!
ya ALLAH..
aku lalai selama ini 
ketike bergembira aku lupa padaMu
aku khilaf!!
ya ALLAH..
setiap masa aku merasakan hatiku ini melakukan d0sa
aku xdapat buang perasaan ini dari hatiku 
aku berd0sa ya ALLAH.....
perasaan ini setiap detikmenambahkan d0saku padaMu
aku xdapat mengelak
aku sedang melakukan zina..
perasaan ini menggugat imanku padaMu
ya ALLAH..
bimbinglah aku..
bantulah aku..
sedarkan aku..
ingatkan aku..
ya ALLAH..
aku hanya ingin menyayangiMu
aku hanya ingin menyintaiMu
aku hanya ingin merinduiMu..
tiada yang lain melebihiMu
aku hidup keranaMu
aku hidup untukMu
ingatkan aku..ya ALLAH

Sunday, February 20, 2011

dear ALLAH!!

ya Allah..
saat ini aq sgt mmerlukan Mu..ya Allah..
buanglah rasa ini dari aty aq..ya Allah
jangan biarkan aq hanyut
aq hanya mahu cintakanMu ya Allah
ingatkan aq ya Allah..
dekatkan aq padaMu ya Allah
aq rsa brsalah tramat sgt!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

first jumpe mase 0rientasi...
2 pn ckap sptah 2 jer
dy kte sy s0mb0ng...
dy ajak g srau skli..tpi spnjg prjlnan xckp sptah hram p0n..
(segan k0t) hehe
                                                             masing2 muke inn0cent
                                                             baik2 jew belak0..

1st day class start,,laa upenyer minah nie skelas ngn aq
hehe...mase LDV kt0rg sling brkenalan
tnye mcm2..
makin hari kami makin akrab
spend time t0gether, share pr0blem..

plbagai gelaran kami dpt..
p/s : certain 0wg jew y thu..hehe
kami bhgia dgn cara kami,,xde kcau kbhagiaan 0wg laen ag stkat nie
xksah ape 0wg nk kte...sbb itulah KAMI...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

my feeling t0day

I'm happy enough with my life with0ut y0u
i'm sure y0u t0..s0,,there is n0 m0re unsatisfied between us..
let be friend like bef0re that tragic event happened l0rhhh...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

t0l0ng ingatkan aku,,ya Allah!!

I've told u bef0re right?? d0n't keep a big h0pe..u will h0peless s0on
but u never listen t0 me..please laa..d0n't care what ever they talk ab0ut it
it's means n0thing laa...just think ab0ut y0urself at least 0nce..

Nik Norhasniza...........
y0u've gr0w en0ugh laa t0 think ab0ut it
d0n't just f0ll0w t0 y0ur heart,,it gives y0u n0thing
just h0ld t0 what ever y0u have n0w,,what have y0u decided bef0re
d0n't back t0 y0ur will hurt y0u again n again..
what ever it c0mes t0..stay t0 y0ur faith!
he's not y0ur spirit..y0u have y0urself n0w..
remember what y0ur mom said..y0ur family
y0u are their h0pe..y0u're the 0ne
y0u d0n't need back t0 y0ur past anym0re.. just happened a few m0nth ag0,,but, just let it be y0ur past laa
it will and have suck y0u..
remember Allah!!!
He will always be in y0ur side..
think ab0ut y0urself n0t any0ne else..
d0n't hurt y0urself anym0re..
s0metimes it is right t0 denied y0ur feeling,,
s0metimes it is right t0 live in pretending..
pretend t0 be happy while its s0b y0u
pretend t0 have n0thing while its hurt y0u
pretend t0 smile while y0u really want t0 let y0u tears

y0u d0esn't need it..
it will give y0u a l0t 0f burden..D0SA

yes..'it' always c0mes in y0ur dream,,alm0st every night
y0u kn0w y0u can't av0id it although it makes y0u afraid t0 sleep again n again
all things that y0u can d0 is..remember Allah..He the 0ne and 0nly l0ve that y0u need
Allah..please remind me!

'y0u'..get 0ut 0f my spirit..
i d0n't need y0u...
i d0n't hate y0u..i just d0n't want t0 accept y0u alth0ugh i really want t0..
ALLAH...remind me please!

Friday, February 11, 2011

the one I w0nder for

love some0ne because Allah!
I w0nder how it is...I want to
ya Allah..
jangan hanyutkan aku dengan cinta palsu yang kan menghancurkan hidupku

Kata Penuh Hikmat...

1) Ketegasan Insan Yang Bergelar Wanita....

"Wahai puteriku sekalian,..Demi Allah swt...
Janganlah kamu percaya terhadap kata-kata SEBAHAGIAN lelaki....
Bahawa mereka memandangmu kerana AKHLAK & ADAB..
Berbicara denganmu seperti SAHABAT...
Dan apabila bercinta denganmu seperti teman AKRAB..
Jika engkau sendiri mendengar bualan mereka...
Nescaya engkau takut dan Ngeri....
Hanya di tanganmu pintu segala kebaikkan...
Bukan ditangan kaum lelaki"

sumber - ali thantawi-

2) Orang Yang Hebat

Orang yang HEBAT itu akan selalu menyediakan waktu untuk membaca kerana membaca itu sumber hikmah, menyediakan waktu bergembira kerana bergembira itu muziknya jiwa, menyediakan waktu untuk berfikir kerana berfikir itu pokok kemajuan, menyediakan waktu untuk beramal kerana beramal itu pangkal kejayaan, menyediakan waktu untuk bersenda kerana bersenda itu akan membuat muda selalu dan menyediakan waktu beribadat kerana beribadat itu adalah ibu dari segala ketenangan jiwa.

3) Jikalau kamu ingin bersembang atau berbual-bual dengan Allah swt, maka perbanyakkan solat. Kerana dengan solatlah menjadi tempat untuk kita mengadu, merayu, merintih dan segala macam lagi untuk perkhabaran kepada Allah swt walaupun Allah swt itu Maha Mengetahui. Sekiranya kamu inginkan Allah swt berkata-kata kepadamu, maka perbanyakkanlah bacaan Al-Quran kerana Al-Quran itu adalah kalam Allah swt untuk semua makhluknya. Namun tidak semua makhluk Allah swt menilai kepentingan Al-Quran sebagai panduan hidup.

4) Wanita....
Jika hari ini engkau dilahirkan, engkau dilahirkan juga dari seorang wanita.
Engkau diberi sifat yang amat lemah lembut bagaikan sutera, namun adakalanya hati engkau perlu sekeras waja...
Kesabaran adalah pakaian engkau dalam melayan karena anak-anak...
Aaahhh wanita.....
Jika hatimu tulus & ikhlas kerana Ilahi, pasti lurus peranan mu sebagai wanita....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

fav0urite s0ng 0f mine


*내 여자친구를 부탁해 / Take care of my girlfriend (Say No)*

oneul nae chinguga mul-eoss-eo neowa sagwimyeon an doegess nyago
eochapi ijen neowa heeojin nae daesin neoleul akkyeo jugessdago

That that that that that’s ok
Get get get get away
gwaenchanh-a mwo uli gwangye nam-eun jeongdo eobsneunde
mian hadan mal-eun geumandwo eochapi gaseum an apeo
nae daesin joh-eun namja chinguga dwaejwo

ajig neo ttaemun-e jam mosneunde geuleohge malhajileul moshae ilu
eogji us-eum-e gyeoglyeokkaji deohae chinguleul bonaejwossjiman oh girl

Oh can’t u see I’m still lovin’ you
ajig nae mam-i neol bonael suga eobs-eo

Say no! no! no! no! no! Say no! no! no! no! no!
andoendago malhae ajig ni mam sog-e nal gidaligo issdago say no!

sul-eun manh-i moshae dambae yeongineun silh-eohae
honjaissneun geo silh-eo hanikka eonjena hamkke

iss-eojwo saeng-il ginyeom-il-eun kkogkkog chaeng-gyeojwo
nan waei jis-eulhago issna dodaeche wae

dol-a seomyeonseo huhoehal geomyeonseo eogjilo meos-issneun cheog haess-eo
chingu dwieseo hwaleul nael geomyeonseo an doelago bil geomyeonseo

Oh can’t u see I’m still lovin’ you
ajig nae mam-i neol bonael suga eobs-eo

Say no! no! no! no! no! Say no! no! no! no! no!
andoendago malhae ajig ni mam sog-e nal gidaligo issdago

(say) no no no (say) andoendago (say) geu salam gidalil geola aaa go
(say) no no no (say) andoendago (say) geu salam gidalil geola aaa go

ajig neo ttaemun-e jam mosneunde geuleohge malhajileul moshae ilu
eogji us-eum-e gyeoglyeokkaji deohae chinguleul bonaejwossjiman oh girl

Oh can’t u see I’m still lovin’ you
ajig nae mam-i neol bonael suga eobs-eo

Say no! no! no! no! no! Say no! no! no! no! no!
andoendago malhae ajig ni mam sog-e nal gidaligo issdago say no!

credits: Boo @ & moouki@b2strising


*내 여자친구를 부탁해 / Take care of my girlfriend (Say No)*

Today my friend asked me if he could date you
Since I had broken up with you, he said he'd cherish you in my place

It's okay, it's not like we have anything to do with each other anymore
Stop saying sorry, my heart doesn't hurt
Please be a good boyfriend to her in place of me"

I can't get myself to say that I still can't sleep at night because of her
With a forced smile I encouraged him and sent him away OH GIRL

Oh can't you see? I'm still lovin' you
My heart still can't seem to let you go

Say no! no! no! no! no! Say no! no! no! no! no!
Tell him no, tell him your heart is still waiting for me SAY NO!

"She can't drink a lot and she doesn't like smoke
She hates being alone so always be with her"

Always celebrate her birthday and anniversaries"
I don't know why I'm telling him this

I know I'm going to turn around and regret this but I still acted cool
I know I'm going to be upset behind my friend's back and beg him not to

Oh can't you see? I'm still lovin' you
My heart still can't seem to let you go

Say no! no! no! no! no! Say no! no! no! no! no!
Tell him no, tell him your heart is still waiting for me SAY NO!

(Say) no no no (Say) you can't
(Say) you will wait for me
(Say) no no no (Say) you can't
(Say) you will wait for me

I can't get myself to say that I still can't sleep at night because of her
With a forced smile I encouraged him and sent him away OH GIRL

Oh can't you see? I'm still lovin' you
My heart still can't seem to let you go

Say no! no! no! no! no! Say no! no! no! no! no!
Tell him no, tell him your heart is still waiting for me SAY NO!

Friday, February 4, 2011

leading me to madness

BEAST - Easy Lyrics with English translations



gaji ma tteonaji ma check it

E E Easy go (I never never know) She She She is gone (She was so easy)
E E Easy go (I never never know) She She She is gone (She let me now now)

yeonghwacheoleom meosjin salang-eulhago yeonghwacheoleom seulpeun salanghan geolkka(Oh yes)
ibyeol hue geunyang balabogo iss-eossdeon babo gat-assdeon naega neomuna wonmangseuleowo

First time First time First love First love
salanghal julman al-assji salang-eul jal mollass eossji
So sick So sick So sick So sick
naleul tteonayaman haessni

I don't wanna say goodbye say goodbye (bye bye) say goodbye
neowa na ijewa ileohge dwae beolin geoni Oh~~

I don't wanna let u go let u go (let let) let u go
Easy come Easy go na gajgo jangnanchin geoni

E E Easy go (I never never know) She She She is gone (She was so easy)
E E Easy go (I never never know) She She She is gone (She let me now now)

naneun modeun geos-i byeonhaess-eo niga tteonan hue neoneun geudaelo gessji (oh no)
jeonhwagileul butjabgo amugeosdo moshae hogsi nae saeng-gag-e neoui yeonlag-i olkka bwa

First time First time First love First love
salanghal julman al-assji salang-eul jal mollass eossji
So sick So sick So sick So sick
naleul tteonayaman haessni

I don't wanna say goodbye say goodbye (bye bye) say goodbye
neowa na ijewa ileohge dwae beolin geoni Oh~

I don't wanna let u go let u go (let let) let u go
Easy come Easy go na gajgo jangnanchin geoni

amugeosdo anin il-e jichyeo neo balaman bwado na michyeo
neomu aleumdaun geudae ttaemun-e tto jag-ajineun naega hansimhae
hago sip-eun maldeul-eul pen-eul deul-eo jeoggo gyeolgug majuchimyeon amu maldo moshae nan tto
heotalham-e kkwag umkyeojwineun jumeog ah cry

eojewa daleun neoui mogsoli ijeneun daleun neoui pyojeongdeul-i
naui gaseum-e sangcheolo nam-a bismul gat-eun nunmullo naelyeowa oh no no no no

I don't wanna say goodbye say goodbye (bye bye) say goodbye
neowa na ijewa ileohge dwae beolin geoni Oh~

I don't wanna let u go let u go (let let) let u go
Easy come Easy gona gajgo jangnanchin geoni

I don't wanna say goodbye say goodbye (bye bye) say goodbye
neowa na ijewa ileohge dwae beolin geoni Oh~

I don't wanna let u go let u go (let let) let u go
Easy come Easy go na gajgo jangnanchin geoni

Say goodbye say goodbye say goodbye
I don't wanna say goodbye say goodbye say goodbye

credits: Boo @ & moouki@b2strising



Don't go, don't leave CHECK IT

E E Easy go (I never never know)
She She She is gone (She was so easy)
E E Easy go (I never never know)
She She She is gone (She let me now now)

Did we have great love like in the movies?
Did we have sad love like in the movies? (Oh yes)
Before we broke up, the me that looked at you
The idiot me that I've grown to hate

First time First time First love First love
I only knew how to love, I didn't know much about love
So sick So sick So sick So sick
Did you have to leave me?

I don't wanna say goodbye say goodbye (bye bye) say goodbye
We ended up like this Oh~

I don't wanna let you go let you go (let let) let you go
Easy come Easy go Did you just toy around with me?

E E Easy go (I never never know)
She She She is gone (She was so easy)
E E Easy go (I never never know)
She She She is gone (She let me now now)

Everything changed for me
But everything must be the same for you after you left me (Oh no)
I hold my phone in my hand and can't do anything
Only thinking that you might call me as you think of me

First time First time First love First love
I only knew how to love, I didn't know much about love
So sick So sick So sick So sick
Did you have to leave me?

I don't wanna say goodbye say goodbye (bye bye) say goodbye
We ended up like this Oh~

I don't wanna let you go let you go (let let) let you go
Easy come Easy go Did you just toy around with me?

I get tired of thinking of something that doesn't matter, just looking at you makes me go crazy
Because you were so wonderful it makes me feel smaller and ashamed
The things I wanted to say become insignificant
And when we meet again I become speechless
I clench my fist tightly AH CRY

Your voice is different from yesterday, and your expressions changed
They leave wounds in my heart
Tears roll down like the rain OH NO NO NO NO

I don't wanna say goodbye say goodbye (bye bye) say goodbye
We ended up like this Oh~

I don't wanna let you go let you go (let let) let you go
Easy come Easy go Did you just toy around with me?

I don't wanna say goodbye say goodbye (bye bye) say goodbye
We ended up like this Oh~

I don't wanna let you go let you go (let let) let you go
Easy come Easy go Did you just toy around with me?

Say goodbye say goodbye say goodbye
I don't wanna say goodbye say goodbye say goodbye

BEAST - Breathe / Soom Lyrics with English translations


*Breathe / Soom*

Ha Let me talk about ma

chakapge doraseon dwitmoseube shigani jamshi meomchun deut hae
hayake dwaebeorin meoriseoken neol jamaya dwae ani neol bonaeyadwae
Oh neol itgo saldeon neol itji mothae uldeon na
dwil daero dwiraji nado nal jal molla

ijeobullae niga doraseomyeon nan dashin jabji aneullae
(niga han beonman han beonman dashi ddo) saenggakhae dallan mare
deoneun gomin an hallae ije neoreul beorillae

kaji ma nareul ddeonagajin ma myeot beoneul saenggakhae bwado
naega neoreul itjineun himdeul geot gata ijeul su eobseul geot gata

[I can't take my breath breath breath]
shigani galsurok jeomjeom jinagalsurok oh nan deo
[I can't hold my breath breath breath]
galsurok naneun deo jakkuman nae soomi makhyeo wae nae soomi yeah

breath in breath out ha ha
breath in breath out ha ha
breath in breath out ha ha
breath in breath out ha ha

jiwobullae ni jarin ije eobseo doraol gotdo eobseo
[niga naege deo naege deo omyeon] nan deo meoleojyeo gal geoya
ije jom bikkyeojullae naneul neoreul beorillae

haji ma doraseoryeo hajin ma amuri saenggakhae bwado
jeongmal neoreul jiwoogin himdeul geot gata jeongmal michil geot gata

[I can't take my breath breath breath]
shigani galsurok jeomjeom jinagalsurok oh nan deo
[I can't hold my breath breath breath]
galsurok naneun deo jakkuman nae soomi makhyeo wae nae soomi yeah

breath in breath out ha ha
breath in breath out ha ha
breath in breath out ha ha
breath in breath out ha ha

I don’t know~
I don’t know yeah~

Yes or No bichi jamdeun bam bulee kkeojin bang eongkkyeobeorin neoe daehan saenggaki
pulliji anha dodaeche mwol tathaeya jogeuminama wiroga dwilkka
gipeodeon sarangi jwiilkka dwil daero dwiraji huh nado nal jal molla


*Breathe / Soom*

Ha let me talk about ma

At the sight of the coldly turned back, it feels like time has stopped for a moment.
In my blank mind, I have to hold onto you, no I have to let you go.
Oh, I cried because I couldn’t forget you, who forgot herself.
Whatever will happen, let it happen. Even I’m not too sure.

I’ll try to forget you when you turn around. I won’t hold onto you again.
(At your words saying just once more, just once more) think of me again
I won’t hesitate anymore. Now I’ll throw you away.

Don’t go. Don’t leave me. No matter how many times I think about it,
It will be hard to forget you. I don’t think I can forget you.

(I can’t take my breath, breath, breath)
As time goes by, more and more, oh I
(I can’t hold my breath, breath, breath)
More and more, I’m being suffocated. My breath yeah

Breath in, breath out, ha ha
Breath in, breath out, ha ha
Breath in, breath out, ha ha
Breath in, breath out, ha ha

I’ll try to erase it. Your place isn’t here anymore. You have no place to return.
(If you come closer and closer to me) I’ll go even further away.
Will you step aside now? I will throw you away.

Don’t do it. Don’t try to turn back. No matter how many times I think about it,
It will be so hard to erase you, I think I’m going to go crazy.

(I can’t take my breath, breath, breath)
As time goes by, more and more, oh I
(I can’t hold my breath, breath, breath)
More and more, I’m being suffocated. My breath yeah

Breath in, breath out, ha ha
Breath in, breath out, ha ha
Breath in, breath out, ha ha
Breath in, breath out, ha ha

I don’t know
I don’t know, yeah

Yes or no, the night when the light sleeps, the room with the lights off, the jumbled thoughts of you
Just won’t go away. What can I possibly blame to bring a little bit of comfort?
Was the deep love a sin? Whatever will happen, let it happen, huh. Even I’m not too sure.


B2ST / Beast - DooJoon & Dong Woon - 문이 닫히면 (When The Door Closes) Mp3 : Download


"B2ST / Beast - DooJoon & Dong Woon - 문이 닫히면 (When The Door Closes) Lyrics"


Majimak insareul naegae gunnaeki jeonae
Ajoo jamkanman nal bomeon utuhjo

amsi namah naehgae bitchuljoon naegae
keutirado noomul dawin boiegi siluhsuh


(nuhaegae utum jieumeo)

Komapdago haengbokhan choouk naega mandeuluh josuh

(uhsaekhan misoro bitchoomeo)

nul ireokae bonaejiman

ee mooni datchimeon
nae mosupie sarajimeon
harureul nunmoolmol salgaejiman
nuhwaeh choouk ddaemoonae honjanamah
haengbokeul duh baragae

Nah jikeum ee sonreul nohchimeon
eejae ddo utull ill upgaejiman
dareun sarameh poomehsuh
wootgo iteul nul bomeon nan wootsuhbolgae

Gu saramkwaeh gildun inyeoneh kkuteh
suhsuh gidarigo itdun naran gul arahjwo

jamsi rado geu saram saengkakie naldae

geudae boda utgae hal null yaksokhae bojiman


nuhaegae nunmul boimyon

himdeuldako keu saram geoteh
eebul man namgeol jutuh

Mungmani mido japueumeon

nun irokae buhtjajiman

ee mooni datchimeon
nae mosupie sarajimeon
harureul nunmoolmol salgaejiman
nuhwaeh choouk ddaemoonae honjanamah
haengbokeul duh baragae

Nah jikeum ee sonreul nohchimeon
eejae ddo utull ill upgaejiman
dareun sarameh poomehsuh
wootgo iteul nul bomeon nan wootsuhbolgae

maeumi yakhaejutsuh
dashi nul japki jeonae

nunmol hulrill
nal boji angae

dora bojimalgoga

ee mooni datchimeon
nae mosupie sarajimeon
harureul nunmoolmol salgaejiman
nuhwaeh choouk ddaemoonae honjanamah
haengbokeul duh baragae

Nah jikeum ee sonreul nohchimeon
eejae ddo utull ill upgaejiman
dareun sarameh poomehsuh
wootgo iteul nul bomeon nan wootsuhbolgae

ee mooni datchimeon

**English Translation**

Before saying your last farewell to me
Please stop for just a moment, and look at me while smiling

Stay for just a bit, you who had given me light to me
Even if it’s the end, I don’t want to show you my tears so


(While putting on a smile for you)

I say thank you, for making these happy memories

(Shining with an awkward smile)

I’m sending you away like this but

When this door closes
When the image of you disappears
I’ll probably spend the day in tears
Because of the memories with you, I’m left alone
I wish that you’ll be happier

When I let go of this hand now
I’ll no longer have any reason to smile but
When I see you smiling
In another’s embrace, I’ll try to smile

At the end of your long relationship with him
Please know that it’ll be me standing there, waiting

Even if you ever get flashes of memories with him

I’ll try to promise that I’ll make you smile even more than those times but


If you show me your tears

And say that it’s difficult, because there is only farewell by that person’s side

While I hold onto your hand, with a blank expression

I’m holding onto you like this but

When this door closes
When the image of you disappears
I’ll probably spend the day in tears
Because of the memories with you, I’m left alone
I wish that you’ll be happier

When I let go of this hand now
I’ll no longer have any reason to smile but
When I see you smiling
In another’s embrace, I’ll try to smile

My heart has become weak
Before I can be with you again

So that you
Won’t see me while my tears come out

Please don’t look back and just go

When this door closes
When the image of you disappears
I’ll probably spend the day in tears
Because of the memories with you, I’m left alone
I wish that you’ll be happier

When I let go of this hand now
I’ll no longer have any reason to smile but
When I see you smiling
In another’s embrace, I’ll try to smile

When this door closes


마지막 인사를 내게 건네기 전에
아주 잠깐만 멈춰서 날 보며 웃어줘

잠시나마 나에게 빛을 준 네게
끝이라도 눈물 따윈 보이기 싫어서


(너에게 웃음 지으며)

고맙다고 행복한 추억 네가 만들어줘서

(어색한 미소를 비추며)

널 이렇게 보내지만

이 문이 닫히면
네 모습이 사라지면
하루를 눈물로 살겠지만
너와의 추억 때문에 혼자 남아
행복을 더 바랄게

나 지금 이 손을 놓치면
이제 또 웃을 일 없겠지만
다른 사람의 품에서
웃고 있을 널 보며 난 웃어볼게

그 사람과의 길던 인연의 끝에
서서 기다리고 있던 나란 걸 알아줘

잠시라도 그 사람 생각이 날 때

그때 보다 웃게 할 널 약속해 보지만


나에게 눈물 보이며

힘들다고 그사람 곁에 이별만 남겨줘서

멍하니 네 손 잡으며

널 이렇게 붙잡지만

이 문이 닫히면
네 모습이 사라지면
하루를 눈물로 살겠지만
너와의 추억 때문에 혼자 남아
행복을 더 바랄게

나 지금 이 손을 놓치면
이제 또 웃을 일 없겠지만
다른 사람의 품에서
웃고 있을 널 보며 나 웃어 볼게

마음이 약해졌어
다시 널 잡기 전에

눈물 흘릴
날 보지 않게

돌아 보지 말고 가

이 문이 닫히면
네 모습이 사라지면
하루를 눈물로 살겠지만
너와의 추억 때문에 혼자 남아
행복을 더 바랄게

나 지금 이 손을 놓치면
이제 또 웃을 일 없겠지만
다른 사람의 품에서
웃고 있을 널 보며 나 웃어 볼게

이 문이 닫히면

B2ST / Beast – Loving U Mp3 : Download


"B2ST / Beast – Loving U Lyrics"

Ost All My Love

**Hangul + Romanization**

Loving U forever세상그누구보다너를하늘만큼
sesang geu nuguboda neoreul haneulmankeum
Loving U forever
언제까지나너와함께행복하게 Loving U
eonjekkajina neowahamkke haengbokhage Loving U

neon ani naboda niga sojung hadangeol
neoreul daesinhalmankeum tteollineungeoseun naege eopdangeol
eonjena akkyeojugosipeun naui mameul yeoreojun hansaram
kkocheurango dallyeogalge dugeundaeneun imameul julge

Loving U forever 세상그누구보다너를하늘만큼
Loving U forever sesang geu nuguboda neoreul haneulmankeum
Loving U forever 언제까지나너와함께행복하게
Loving U forever eonjekkajina neowahamkke haengbokhage
Loving U forever 세상그누구보다니가좋아
Loving U forever sesang geu nuguboda nigajoha
언제나나와함께있어줘 Loving U
eonjena nawahamkke isseojwo Loving U

itjanha neomaneul wihae norae bureulkke
sesang eotteon sungando iboda joheulsuneun eobseulgeol
neoege ppajyeobeoringeoya moreuneuncheok hagoinneun geudae
jamsiman nungamabollae modeungeol jugosipeun geudae

Loving U forever 세상그누구보다너를하늘만큼
Loving U forever sesang geu nuguboda neoreul haneulmankeum
Loving U forever 언제까지나너와함께행복하게
Loving U forever eonjekkajina neowahamkke haengbokhage
Loving U forever 세상그누구보다니가좋아
Loving U forever sesang geu nuguboda nigajoha
언제나나와함께있어줘 Loving U
eonjena nawahamkke isseojwo Loving U

Loving U forever
sesang geu nuguboda nigajoha
eonjena nawahamkke isseojwo
Loving U Loving U Loving U Loving U Loving U

**English Translation**

Loving U forever
More than anyone else in the world, as high as the skies, I’m
Loving U forever
Forever, happily, with you, loving U

Do you know? That you’re more precious to me than myself
That there is nothing that will make me so nervous that I’ll want to replace you

The one person who has opened my heart, making me want to love you forever
I’ll run to you with flowers in my arms, and give this racing heart to you

Loving U forever
More than anyone else in the world, as high as the skies, I’m
Loving U forever
Forever, happily, with you, loving U

Loving U forever
I like you more than anyone else in this world
Please be with me forever
Loving U

I’m here for you, I’ll sing a song that’s only for you
No moment in the world could be better than this

I’ve fallen for you, and you’re pretending that you don’t know
Try closing your eyes, you, whom I want to give the world

Loving U forever
More than anyone else in the world, as high as the skies, I’m
Loving U forever
Forever, happily, with you, loving U

Loving U forever
I like you more than anyone else in this world
Please be with me forever
Loving U

Loving U forever
I like you more than anyone else in this world
Please be with me forever
Loving U
Loving U Loving U
Loving U
Loving U

"B2ST / Beast - Lightless Lyrics"

**Hangul + Romanization**

I can’t smile I can’t find
I can’t stop Lightless

Meonghani seoseo ni dwitmoseumman bogo isseo
Jigeum neoui mare
Nan eotteoke haeya hal ji molla

Deo meoreojineun neoreul baraboneun naega
Eoduwojyeo ganeun nae mam
Han sungane nae anui bicheul irheosseo

Ireoke neoreul chaja hemaeeo bwado
Ireoke neoreul jakku tteoollyeo bwado
Han beonmanirado neol boryeo haedo nan
Bicheul irheoseo amugeotdo hal suga eobseo
L L L L Lightless
L L L L Lightless
L L L L Lightless
L L L L L L Lightless
L L L L Lightless
L L L L Lightless
L L L L Lightless

What should I do baby떠나가는너
Tteonaganeun neo
Don‘t say good bye
너와나의추억다 so fly
Neowa naui chueok da so fly
Daheul su eobseul mankeum meolli naraga
Eoduwojyeo ga
Girl it‘s all lie
니가돌아올것같아 oh 난
Niga doraol geot gata oh nan
I jaril mot beoseona

Meoreojineun neoreul gidarineun naega
Eoduwojyeo beorin naega
Han sungane nae anui bicheul irheosseo

Ireoke neoreul chaja hemaeeo bwado
Ireoke neoreul jakku tteoollyeo bwado
Han beonmanirado neol boryeo haedo nan
Bicheul irheoseo amugeotdo hal suga eobseo


L L L Lightless어느새니가사랑으로
Eoneusae niga sarangeuro
비추던빛은 fade out
Bichudeon bicheun fade out
Jomdeo ppalli ibyeoreul nunchichaetdeoramyeon
Johasseul tende